Wane relishing tough month ahead

Jack Wells is in the squad to face CatalansJack Wells is in the squad to face Catalans
Jack Wells is in the squad to face Catalans
Shaun Wane insists he will enjoy the month ahead as Wigan enter a challenging phase of the season.

Following tomorrow’s trip to Catalans, Warriors get the chance to avenge their 62-0 defeat earlier in the season to Wakefield, before facing Leeds and St Helens ahead of their Challenge Cup semi-final against Hull FC.

And with a considerable injury list still on Wane’s desk, including Liam Farrell, Tony Clubb, Anthony Gelling and Michael McIlorum, Wane is relying on youngsters such as teenager Jack Wells to come to the coalface.

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“I’m just trying to get as many players as I can on the field,” he said.

“It’s a strong month but I’m really glad we’re in the semis and we’re playing against Hull and I don’t mind this – travelling to Catalans, doing it in the day.

“We’ve got Saints which we’ll need no motivating for, so we’ve got some great big games coming up and it’s an exciting time for us.”

Wane is without Joel Tomkins for tomorrow’s clash thanks to a knee injury, and youngster Jake Shorrocks, replaces him in the side.

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“We’ve got a lot of young kids in our team, people like Oliver Gildart and Jack Wells is playing. I like these

challenges when we’re under the pump a bit,” explained Wane.

“When we have an injury crisis like we’ve had this year it doesn’t really bother me that much if I’m honest – it’s just the way it is.”

One welcome boost to Wane’s squad will be the arrival of prop Frank-Paul Nuuausala from Canberra in the coming weeks.

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“I’ve watched him play for many many years and admired him because he’s fearless he’s a competitor,” said Wane. “He’s very, very tough and he runs hard. He’s everything I want in the middle, so he’ll fit in and it just gives me a bit more competition.”