Wigan Athletic guest column: Chey Dunkley

Chey DunkleyChey Dunkley
Chey Dunkley
It's back to business this weekend after the international break, and we know we're in for a really tough game at Brentford.

They’ve had a very good start, like ourselves, and are rightly being seen as one of the best footballing sides in the division.

I’m sure it’ll be a good footballing game, which will suit us and the approach we have.

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It will be more similar in style to the Nottingham Forest and Stoke games, rather than QPR and Rotherham, and that should bring out the best in us.

I don’t think we’ve got the staff or the players to be able to go there and set our stall out for a point.

That doesn’t mean a point would be a bad result, because any point at this level and in this division is a good one.

But we try and win every game we play, and that’s stood us in good stead so far.

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We’ll just go there to try and impose ourselves as we usually do and we’ll see what happens.

We’re a team and a squad here, and as we saw against Rotherham our strength is in the group as a whole.

The changes we made transformed the game in our favour, and it’s great to know we have that strength in depth.

It makes the gaffer’s job all the harder, but I’m sure it’s a problem he’ll be happy to have.

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Being back in the capital will bring back unhappy memories of our recent defeat at QPR. I wasn’t happy about their winning goal that day, it still annoys me looking back.

I still firmly believe I was fouled in the lead-up, but we’re all human and people make mistakes in all walks of life.

Things happen, our bums got bitten that day.

But you can’t just look at that incident and blame it for losing the game.

It was a frustrating day on the whole, we didn’t move the ball as well as we can.

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We still created chances, I had one myself right at the end that I might have done better with.

It just didn’t fall for us, we didn’t have that little bit of luck.

But we have to put that out of our minds, and it certainly won’t be a factor going into the Brentford game.

Having a fortnight’s break from the league has given us all a chance to take stock of an eventful first month of the season.

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And we’re all delighted with the way we’ve handled the move up from League One to the Championship.

It’s obviously a step above what we were playing against last season.

What I’ve found going up the levels most is the quality of strikers.

They’re stronger, sharper, got more awareness about them, and their finishing is more clinical.

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We’ve had to raise our own game accordingly, and I think we’ve proved already that we belong at this level as a team.

No-one’s getting ahead of ourselves, but we showed last year in the FA Cup that better teams bring out the best in us, and that’s the way it’s been in the Championship.

Having proved we can do it, the key now is to try and make sure we do it on a consistent basis.

That’s what it’s all about in the Championship - holding your levels over a 46-game season.

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Last year, in League One, we knew we were the best team, and even if we had an off-day we could still get a result.

That’s not the case in the Championship, you have to be at it every week to be able to compete.

Fortunately our attitude has been right in that respect, and the challenge now is to keep that going.

* Chey Dunkley was speaking to Paul Kendrick