Wigan Athletic admin reports 'very, very cold' trail

Paul StanleyPaul Stanley
Paul Stanley
Administrator Paul Stanley admits the trail towards finding a new owner for Wigan Athletic has ‘just gone very, very cold’.

While this week has produced another handful of parties rumoured to be at varying stages of their own takeover bids, the Bahrain-based consortium remains farthest down the line with the EFL.

However, with a massive question mark against which division Latics will be in next term, Stanley has reported slow progress with the frontrunners.

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“I don’t know whether they’re more or less likely than they were last week, but it’s just gone very, very cold,” he told Wigan Today.

“We’ve obviously spoken to them, but there’s nothing really moving on that.

“And I can’t really say more than that.

“I know it’s probably not what people want to hear, but I can’t force news and I can’t force money out of people.

“There’s nothing really happening. We’ve people coming to the table, and they’re just seeming to be moving very, very slowly.

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Latics supporters woken on Wednesday to news a consortium of Australian investors claim to have thrown their hat into the ring to launch a takeover bid.

According to the Australian Associated Press, they reportedly see an opportunity to provide a stepping stone into Europe for young Australian talent to make their way into the big leagues.

However, fans hoping for a pre-season tour Down Under may have to wait and see.

“I’ve never heard of that particular one,” said Stanley.

“I did a bit of research and it seems they tried to buy Charlton a few years ago, but they didn’t have any money.

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“They’ve not spoken to me, and they’ve not spoken to Dean (Watson) about it.

“But it’s no secret...everybody knows what we’re asking for...a small amount for the stadium and the training ground, £1 for the club, and then you’ve got to find the money to pay 25p in the pound to the creditors.

“It can’t get any cheaper than what we’re asking...other than it being 24p in the pound, and then the EFL wouldn’t let you get away with that.

“Anyone who’s got £7million to their name, who can prove they have the funds, can pick up the phone to me and we’ll have a chat.

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“They can have all the data they want, and we’ll introduce them to the EFL.

“There’s nothing stopping them...there’s no-one who would like this to be done quicker than me, believe me.”

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