Wigan high rise residents asked to speak about the impact of Grenfell Tower fire

Douglas House, one of the high rise flats in ScholesDouglas House, one of the high rise flats in Scholes
Douglas House, one of the high rise flats in Scholes
Wigan high rise residents are being given the opportunity to give their opinions on their homes to a regional task force following the Grenfell Tower Fire.

The survey, available on GM Consult, has been launched to help the Greater Manchester High Rise Task Force provide further evidence of the impact on residents living in high rise buildings following the disaster and inform their future work.

It will run until July 28.

Paul Dennett, chairman of the Greater Manchester High Rise Task Force, said: “This research will help us to better understand the issues and concerns residents of high rise buildings have.

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“This may be how safe they feel, if and how they have been impacted by the fire at Grenfell and if they are facing increased costs because of work required to their building.

“Since the launch of the High Rise Task Force we have worked tirelessly to ensure every tower block across Greater Manchester has been inspected and necessary steps taken to ensure the immediate safety of residents in the case of fire and that all residents have received information about their blocks.”

The research will also look into residents’ understanding of fire safety and the safety measures of their building.

Paul added: “We want to make sure that people are safe and feel safe in their homes. By filling out this survey you will help us help you.”

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The High Rise Task Force brings together all 10 local authorities, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, landlords of tower blocks across the city-region in both private and public ownership, as well as representatives from Universities, Utility Companies and other specialist teams to ensure buildings are safe and that Greater Manchester could respond effectively to a major high rise incident.

Since it was established, the work of the taskforce has included inspecting every residential high rise in Greater Manchester by GMFRS to ensure they comply with fire regulations. Fire officers have and continue to work with local authorities, social landlords and buildings in private ownership to address fire safety concerns

It has also included full participation and submission of evidence to Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety.

The interim report echoed Greater Manchester’s findings that the building regulations system is not fit for purpose and needs to be overhauled.

High rise residents can let the task force know about their experiences, thoughts and concerns through the survey: www.gmconsult.org/strategy-team/gm_hrtf/