Wigan's armed forces hub praised in House of Commons

Yvonne Fovargue MPYvonne Fovargue MP
Yvonne Fovargue MP | jpimedia
A defence minister has praised the work done by Wigan Borough Armed Forces HQ and believes it should be rolled out across the country.

Makerfield MP Yvonne Fovargue asked Johnny Mercer whether he agreed there should be more initiatives like the veterans’ hub, which is based on School Lane.

She said the centre, which is supported by the Ministry of Defence and Wigan Council, provides support with employment and healthcare, as well as help from various charities, for veterans and their families.

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Mr Mercer replied: “These veterans’ hubs up and down the country are exactly what we are looking to promote more widely, so one of the challenges is actually if you are in Wigan and you have one of these services, you have kind of got an advantage because people are already in that way of thinking, bringing together these services, trying to treat challenges veterans have not as individual problems but as a whole solution.

“One of the key tasks of the Office of Veterans’ Affairs is making sure that best practice is rolled out across the country so that your experience of being a veteran is the same in Plymouth as it may be in Wigan, as it may be in Manchester, and that we meet the commitment that I have made and the Prime Minister has made to this house that this will be the best country in the world to be an armed services veteran in.”

Afterwards, Ms Fovargue told the Post: “It is good to know that the work of Wigan Council, alongside the MOD and partner organisations, is being recognised as a blueprint for veteran services across the UK.

“As a former veteran (Johnny Mercer MP) I was really pleased to see the minister back the work of the Wigan Armed Forces HQ.”