Congestion at supermarket needs tackling urgently, residents say

Traffic at the Cross Street junctionTraffic at the Cross Street junction
Traffic at the Cross Street junction | jpimedia
Long-standing traffic congestion at the exit of a supermarket car park needs to be tackled, a residents’ group have said.

Hindley Residents’ Association said the problem of congestion at the town’s Tesco, in Cross Street, is particularly bad at peak times and bank holidays.

The group claimed the problem has worsened since Morrisons in Ince closed last year, as they said the amount of customers using Tesco has increased, causing even more tailbacks of traffic leaving the car park.

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To tackle the problem, they have called for two lanes of traffic to be created leaving Tesco’s car park, one lane for left turning motorists and straight on and the other for right. While they also want to see a box junction created on Cross Street, opposite Tesco’s access road, which they said would deter traffic from blocking the exit and entry into Morris Street.

Wigan Council has agreed to the box junction but has advised the group to contact Tesco regarding the lanes.

Residents’ Association treasurer Andy Swift said: “There has been a long standing traffic congestion problem at the exit of Tesco’s car park in Hindley.

“This problem is especially bad at peak times and bank holidays.

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“This issue has been raised on a number of occasions at meetings of Hindley Residents’ Association.

“Since Morrisons at Ince closed last month the amount of customers using Tesco has increased causing even more tailbacks of traffic leaving the car park.”

He added: “Hindley Residents’ Association still believe that the creation of two lanes leaving Tesco’s car park will alleviate some traffic congestion.”

He also called on residents to contact the group for support and feedback so it can approach Tesco with their proposals.

The issue has been raised in several group meetings.

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In a response to the group, Wigan Council said it had discussed the group’s request for a yellow box junction with Transport for Greater Manchester’s urban traffic control team and confirmed that it will be installing the lining in the next six to eight weeks.

However, it said the access road north of Cross Street does not form part of its adopted highway, and it is unable to spend its time or budget on the potential widening scheme. It suggested contacting Tesco with their request for the additional lane.

A Tesco spokesman said it had not received any complaints from customers about congestion but that it will look into the issue and contact the residents’ association to discuss and find a resolution that best serves the local community.

They said: “We haven’t received any complaints from customers about congestion at the Hindley Extra store but we will look into this issue and will contact the residents’ association to discuss and find a resolution that best serves the local community.”