Shape-shifting UFO soars over block of flats in Wigan

The object changed shape before disappearing from viewThe object changed shape before disappearing from view
The object changed shape before disappearing from view
A shocked Wigan woman has captured pictures of a shape-shifting UFO in the skies above Wigan.

Lauren Houghton was at her dad's flat in Scholes on Friday, August 23, when she looked up and spotted the strange object in the sky.

Reaching for her camera phone she snapped off a couple of shots before the object disappeared.

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Lauren said: "I was at my dad's on the balcony of his flat in Scholes when I saw a floating light. At first I thought it was a Chinese Lantern, but it changed shape, got really bright, hovered for a bit, then went over the flats and out of sight.

One of the images captured by LaurenOne of the images captured by Lauren
One of the images captured by Lauren

"The pictures don't do it justice but they were all I could manage at the time."

It wouldn't be the first time a UFO has appeared in the Wigan skies, the WiganToday archives are full of stories, some with pictures and videos of strange objects in the sky.

Lauren's pictures are certainly mysterious and a UFO by its very definition is simply an unidentified flying object. Whether extraterrestrials have visited our town is another question altogether.

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WiganToday ufologist Jon Peake said: "It is a common misconception that people automatically think a UFO is aliens. An unexplained object in the sky could be any number of things. Until the day comes when a spacecraft from another galaxy lands on our soil, UFO pictures taken by the public are always the subject of heated debate and often ridiculed.

"Even really convincing-looking pictures are accused of being 'photoshopped' so they too are swept under the carpet.

"Are we really alone in the universe? To me, that is unlikely. But until the day a craft lands and an alien slithers out, the subject will always be controversial."

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