Adult entertainment club in Wigan town centre applies to renew licence

Baby Platinum on King StreetBaby Platinum on King Street
Baby Platinum on King Street
Aba Leisure (TWO) has asked Wigan Council for permission to continue running Baby Platinum on King Street.

The firm wants to renew its Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence for the premises, which were the subject of some controversy when it first opened.

However, since then the venue’s licence has been renewed each time and there are no reasons to suggest it will be any different this time around.

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Wigan MP Lisa Nandy objected to the opening of Baby Platinum back in 2014 and there were also complaints from churches in the town.

Residents have also periodically complained about the facility, including during previous licence renewal periods.

However, none of these have been sufficient to prevent civil servants from giving the owners of Baby Platinum permission to keep trading.

The latest licence renewal application was lodged on June 15 and that began a 28-day period for anyone who thinks the business should not get the green light to continue its operations to write in.

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Full details of the application are available to view in the Licensing Section in the Wigan Life Centre on College Avenue. The premises are open between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Representations about this licence renewal should be made in writing to the Licensing Manager, Wigan Council, Wigan Town Hall, Library Street, Wigan, WN1 1YN.