Police appeal after '˜spice' blights town

Police appealPolice appeal
Police appeal
A fresh outbreak of people caught in 'zombie-like' trances due to the psychoactive drug spice has prompted a police appeal to catch suspected dealers.

Police and community support officers in Ince have reported increased sightings of men and women locally who appear to be affected by spice.

Residents have condemned the development and called for increased patrols by neighbourhood officers.

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A Wigan Police spokesman said: “If you have any information on whom might dealing this substance then please privately message the GMP Wigan West Facebook account and someone will get in contact with you.

“Or alternatively you can report anonymous information by following the link to Crimestoppers.”

Christine Ryan said on their Facebook account: “It’s a shame when a few people spoil an area for all the decent people.”

The police comes after the Wigan Post revealed earlier this year that paramedics had been called to a single street in Wigan every day for a fortnight, due to spice casualties.

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Emergency ambulances had to be sent to Arcade Street to deal with a combination of overdoses and people convulsing after taking the substance.

Before he became Greater Manchester’s mayor, former Leigh MP Andy Burnham pledged to tackle the spice scourge.

He blamed part of the problem on rising levels of homelessness, with the borough seeing rough sleeping levels rise by 41 per cent.