More strikes to hit Wigan and Leigh's Addaction

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Drug and alcohol rehabilitation workers in Wigan and Leigh are to strike for a further five days.

The latest action over a long-running dispute over pay will run from Thursday February 27 to Wednesday March 4.

A truce had been called not to continue striking over the Christmas and new year period after 11 days of strike action in 2019.

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In the meantime, the Addaction employees, who were employed by the NHS before Wigan Council transferred their roles to London-based charity Addaction, have voted unanimously to take further action.

The dispute began after Addaction reneged on a promise to ensure workers’ pay kept pace with NHS employees doing similar jobs.

The dispute will pose bosses a headache, especially as they are planning to launch a high-profile rebrand of the organisation later this month.

Addaction has previously said: “We understand and empathise with the concerns expressed by our colleagues in Wigan and we’re doing our best to find a way forward together.”