Dedicated volunteers recognised for their efforts in Wigan community

Sheila Livesey and Janice Powell receive Heart of the Community awards from councillors Lawrence Hunt and George DaviesSheila Livesey and Janice Powell receive Heart of the Community awards from councillors Lawrence Hunt and George Davies
Sheila Livesey and Janice Powell receive Heart of the Community awards from councillors Lawrence Hunt and George Davies
Two dedicated volunteers have been recognised for their years of outstanding service to the community.

Sheila Livesey and Janice Powell have received Heart of the Community awards for their work with Swinley Residents’ Group, which formed in 2006.

Since then, they have worked to improve the environment around Wigan Lane and Central Park Way through clean-up campaigns, keeping the monument on Wigan Lane clean and brightening up land on the corner of Wigan Lane and Swinley Road with flowerbeds, shrubs and a Christmas tree.

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The awards were presented by Wigan Central councillors George Davies and Lawrence Hunt.

Coun Davies said: “Sheila and Janice have over the years been active on many issues.

“When the residents’ group started with a membership of 30 residents, and also included the PCSOs and local councillors, they were at the forefront of many fun days for the group’s children and Christmas parties held at The Swinley Club on Wigan Lane.

“So my colleagues and I would like to thank Sheila and Janice for their outstanding voluntary contribution for keeping this area of Swinley well cleaned, and in recognition of their contribution to work in their community, these awards are truly


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