The Liam Farrell Column: Thursday night games get my thumbs up...

Liam Farrell in action against LeighLiam Farrell in action against Leigh
Liam Farrell in action against Leigh
Tonight's game at Warrington is our first Thursday night match this season.

I quite like the Thursday games.

As a neutral, it’s great to watch a game on TV – it makes a midweek night better than it would have been.

But I understand why they’re difficult for fans to get to, and the down side is the crowd is usually down on what it would be in the fixture was, say, on a Friday night or Sunday afternoon.

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It’s obviously not ideal for many if their club are involved, but I think they’ve been sensible with the Thursday fixtures this year, and shared them out so no club has too many.

Thursday games can be difficult as a player if you’ve got a short turnaround – especially playing the previous Sunday.

But it’s the same for all clubs and, fortunately, we’ve had six days since our win against Leigh and we’re all going to be ready for this one tonight.

It’s the first time we’ve played Warrington since the Grand Final.

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In my head, that game has gone. But if the boot was on the other foot and we’d lost, I may feel like I owe them one, I’m not sure.

The table suggests Warrington haven’t won this year, but they have – they pulled off a terrific win against Brisbane in the World Club Series.

In that game, their completion was 100 per cent in the first-half, which is really rare; they were terrific that night, and that’s the Warrington team we’ve prepared to face.

I’m not just saying this because we are playing them, but I 100 per cent think they will look like the side which faced Brisbane, rather than the team which has lost at Salford last weekend.

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They have so much class in their side, and on any day they can be the best team in the league.

It’s definitely one of my favourite fixtures to play in.

We head into the game with four straight wins, and we’ve been quite happy with our form – the Widnes game aside.

The message is basically ‘keep doing what we are doing’, because it seems to be working for us.

But we are being level-headed, no one is getting carried away.

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We’ve obviously lost a few bodies, including a couple of wingers, for this game. But after events of last year, there’s a calmness about the situation.

There’s no moaning, we just get on with it.

The young lads who are coming in are first-team squad players, and they’re in there for a reason.

Waney has told us he doesn’t expect a dip, and we don’t either. The spine of our team, the people who guide us around the field, are all fit and playing, so there are absolutely no excuses for a poor performance.

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