Readers' letters - September 14

Grammar schools get the thumbs up from two correspondents  but do you agree?Grammar schools get the thumbs up from two correspondents  but do you agree?
Grammar schools get the thumbs up from two correspondents  but do you agree?
Return to tripartite system

The outcry against Theresa May’s suggested reintroduction of grammar schools is somewhat amazing.

Exactly what she may propose is not yet known, so stringent objections should be withheld until greater detail is outlined.

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I was educated at a grammar school and taught in both secondary moderns and comprehensive schools.

I would strongly refute that secondary moderns were sink schools condemning 11+ ‘failures’ to a second rate education.

Most secondary school teachers I knew were dedicated, caring professionals. Most pupils were well educated and well prepared for life after school.

Present low academic achievements would suggest that it is comprehensive education that is failing. Perhaps it is time to return to a tripartite system of secondary, technical and grammar schools.

Peter Lees,

Address supplied


Best possible start in life

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Full marks for Theresa May in championing new grammar schools.

The re-introduction of such schools has been a policy that I and UKIP have been backing for many years and I am delighted that our new Prime Minister takes the same view.

Her proposals are very much a step in the right direction and I hope that they come to fruition as soon as possible. It is sad that there are those, who for their own mixed reasons, want to slam shut this gateway to social mobility which has been declining for decades.

Grammar schools give children from all backgrounds the chance to get the very best education and every parent wants that for their child.

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And it seems Theresa May has the determination to make that a reality for which future generations will be immensely grateful. Ex-education secretary Nicky Morgan, who talks of the proposals undermining ‘progressive education reform’, should think on why, if that is so marvellous, the UK is lagging behind in international league tables for education. It is vital our youngsters get the best possible start in life and grammar schools are the way forward.

Paul Nuttall

MEP and 
UKIP education spokesman


Looking at wrong target

Like most motorists, I despair at the soaring cost of insurance premiums.

Recent investigations tell us insurers have saved hundreds of millions of pounds since far-reaching reforms to personal injury claims were introduced three years ago, yet our premiums have continued to rise while the number of claims has continued to fall. Whatever is responsible for premium hikes, clearly it is not claims for injuries.

The Government now plans to have another go at tackling the cost of insurance by restricting the right to claim compensation for some injuries. When you see where the costs are adding up, it is obvious the Government is setting its sights on the wrong target. The plans will, supposedly, save motorists £50 on each annual policy. This sounds fine until you are unfortunate enough to be injured because another driver crashes into you. That’s when you may need compensation to get you back on track. That’s what insurance is for.

Brett Dixon

Vice president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL)