Readers' letters - May 7

Should we bring back the death penalty?Should we bring back the death penalty?
Should we bring back the death penalty?
Nation's death penalty was deterrent for violent crimes

I have just come across a newspaper cutting, dated March 5, 2014.

It states that, in 1964, there were 296 murders – a homicide rate of 6.3 per million in England and Wales.

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In 2010/11, there were 636 murders – a murder rate of 11.7 per million – roughly double that during the final period of the death penalty.

Surely this proves that the abolition of the death penalty was a great mistake on the part of our Government?

We are becoming more vulnerable than ever, the people that we have voted into power are not protecting us as they should. Murderers nowadays are sent to prison for a few years, to be kept in better conditions than many of our pensioners and unemployed people.

They don’t have to wonder where their next meal is coming from.

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The death penalty of hanging was brutal, but so were the murders that were committed.

Murderers should not be let off so lightly.

They have proved they cannot be trusted amongst a vulnerable public.

Mr C Lambert

Address supplied

Time we got rid of House of Lords

I think it is time Britain got rid of the House of Lords because it is an unelected sector of Parliament and yet it can still undermine a Government in the House of Commons. This is a Government intending to deliver the democratic wishes of the people, especially on leaving the European Union (EU).

That actually makes Britain a mild dictatorship disguised as a democracy, dictated from the House of Lords, who are a hopeless shower regarding Brexit.

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They are playing the same role today as 1930s appeasers such as Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax – and therefore humiliating their own country against the will of the electorate.

It is time for joint angry demonstrations against both the EU and the Lords, who only want to force us to reluctantly remain under European dictatorship for their own very selfish reasons.

R N Coupe

via email

Smart meters are the future

In response to negative articles about smart meters, I am writing to you to tell you how much ours has benefited us since having it installed in 2015 (WP Letters, April 17).

Before having our smart meter installed, I always thought I was doing everything to save energy, then we had our smart meter installed and now we save even more money. Since having our smart meter installed, we now have a better understanding of what we spend every day on gas and electric. We no longer have to worry about waiting in for utility people to come and read our meters and we now know we get accurate precise bills. Smart meters are the future.

Eve Ogden

via email

Attend your appointment

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I think patients should be fined for not attending their appointments unless there is a very good reason.

It’s a huge problem that affects other patients who could have the appointment and has a knock-on effect on services and costs to the NHS.

Dentists charge and, if patients knew they were going to be fined, they might act a lot more responsibly.

People complain about waiting for appointments while others abuse the system. Something needs to be done urgently for the sake of patients who attend their appointments and the finances of the NHS.

Joyce Justice

Address supplied

Rudd and the BBC

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Amber Rudd was right to ‘tough it out’ as Home Secretary. From day one, when the BBC seemed to think they could make anti-Government propaganda from the story – and the possible resignation of a Government minister – they ran the story 24 hours a day.

Playing at socialism on the BBC is one thing, however the country needs someone to govern it and the clearly talented Amber Rudd, seen by many as a potential future leader, should have been allowed to do her job and not be hounded out in such a disgraceful way.

Christopher Clapham

Address supplied