Readers' letters: August 2

A correspondent tells of his experience with grey squirrelsA correspondent tells of his experience with grey squirrels
A correspondent tells of his experience with grey squirrels
Hub caps failed to defeat my cheeky garden visitors

For more letters, visit: suspended a bird-feeder for the benefit of the blue and great tits in my garden, only to be thwarted by grey squirrels which took the lion’s share of the contents.

I was told that these rodents could be thwarted by suspending a hub cap above the feeder.

I duly went to the nearest scrapyard.

“What make?”, asked a dismantler carrying on dismantling.

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I explained that it didn’t matter as it was only to foil grey squirrels that had been raiding my bird feeder.

“Charlie”, he shouted to a nearby colleague.

“Find an’ ub-cap for this young man. Any sort– he only wants it to keep t’ squirrels off his nuts.”

For the record, the experiment was a failure.

The agility and ingenuity of the little grey blighters knows no


Perhaps this was the point where I decided that it was a good idea to let Mother Nature have her way.

Brian H Sheridan

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