Readers' letters - April 24

Walking is good for you says a correspondent. See letterWalking is good for you says a correspondent. See letter
Walking is good for you says a correspondent. See letter
Fit 20 minutes of walkinginto a day and feel benefits

The study by the University of Glasgow found that people who cycle to work are 45 per cent less likely to get cancer, and people who walk to work have a 27 per cent lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and a 36 per cent lower risk of dying from it.

Walking is a free, easy and accessible way to stay healthy and protect ourselves from chronic conditions.

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New figures from the NHS last month revealed that one in four adults are inactive, but by choosing to swap short car journeys for a walk instead, we can easily fit more exercise into our day.

The high levels of air pollution in our towns and cities puts some people off but the myth that we are protected from air pollution inside the car is simply not true – we are less exposed when on foot. And when people walk more, they are being part of the solution.

It’s Living Streets’ National Walking Month in May and we’re encouraging people to #Try20 – and fit 20 minutes of walking into their day and see what benefits they feel to their health and happiness.

Tompion Platt

Head of Policy
Living Streets

Mice in labs matter too

On April 24, to mark World Day for Animals in Laboratories, Animal Aid will launch a new campaign called Mice Matter.

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The campaign aims to educate people about the sensitivity of mice, how this cannot be accommodated in laboratories, how mice deserve the same consideration as other animals and how they differ from humans.

Animal Aid will also debunk the myths around the use of mice in research.

The species differences between mice and humans are myriad, which makes research on mice highly unreliable.

Some common conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, do not occur naturally in mice, yet mice are still used in Alzheimer’s research.

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In an article in the Times, an academic stated, of mice ‘models’ of Alzheimer’s: “You’re creating a problem that doesn’t exist in the mouse at all. You create the problem, you remove the problem.” He reportedly likened this to placing a plastic bag over someone’s head to simulate breathing problems, saying “It’s easy to cure – you take the plastic bag off the head. But what have you really done?”

Animal Aid is asking people to contact us to request copies of our new leaflet, which explains the plight of the mice in laboratories and why they should not be used in experiments. Please call us on 01732 364546 or email [email protected]

Jessamy Korotoga

Anti-Vivisection Campaign Manager

Animal Aid

Don’t count your chickens ...

Theresa May called a general election to put to bed those doubts about her right to run the country. The polls predict a landslide victory for the Conservatives but polls are not always right, as David Cameron found out when he instigated the EU referendum.

There is an old saying “Do not count your chickens before the eggs are hatched”.

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I, for, one think there will be a few shocks along the way.

For instance who would have predicted Alan Johnson’s departure? There was a leader who never was, and he will be a sad loss to both his party and his constituency.

Peter Hyde

Address supplied