Liam Farrell Column: People are starting to believe in us

Liam Farrell congratulates Anthony GellingLiam Farrell congratulates Anthony Gelling
Liam Farrell congratulates Anthony Gelling
The '˜Big One' is back this weekend, and if it's anything like past events it should be a cracker.

We all love having a big crowd at the DW Stadium.

We’ll try and make sure we aren’t distracted by everything going on in the periphery. We’ve spoken about our last game at the DW – the defeat against Widnes – a few times in the week.

They proved the notion that sides have “nothing to play for” is nonsense, and we’re expecting Catalans to come with the same attitude.

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Their season has dropped off, they’re probably disappointed themselves with how they’ve gone – they’ve won two of their Super 8s games.

But they have players who are leaving at the end of season, they’ll have their own reasons to want to end with a win.

I want to explain how we managed the comeback at Warrington.

But technically, I can’t. I really can’t!

I can tell you there was a lot of passion in the team, but when we went down to 12 men, I thought it was going to be a tough ask.

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Once we got a try on the board, we grew in confidence and the longer it went on, the more we felt we could do it.

I’ve been involved in some great comebacks at Wigan, but that was probably my favourite and – under the circumstances – our most impressive.

Benny Flower is a big player for us, and everyone had to step up a notch when he went off.

Was it a fair call? I know Benny didn’t intend to lead with his forearm, he was putting on some kick-pressure, but I suppose if that had happened against us then I’d have to say you can see why it was red.

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I didn’t think the suspension – the Grade C charge – was a fair call, though.

Warrington also went down to 12 men when they lost Stefan Ratchford to the sin-bin, and it was strange that both sides picked up when they were down a man.

There were a few 50-50 calls.

Some may say we got lucky that Lewis Tierney’s try was allowed – I think if the on-field call been ‘no try’, that would have stood – but then I didn’t think my pass to him, which saw a try ruled out, was forward.

I just thought it was a great game, between two good sides.

Warrington go to Hull FC tomorrow night and I think they’ve got enough in them to win the League Leaders’ Shield, although it should be a good game.

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We have Catalans, knowing a win will secure second-place – and a home semi-final.

The win at Warrington last week has really boosted our confidence.

I think people are starting to believe in what we are doing and what we are capable of.

Fair enough, people have said things about our attack at stages this year, but we showed what we can do when things click.

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I was really impressed with our middles, they’ve been a huge reason we’ve got into the top three, but across the line-up players were working for each other.

Frank-Paul Nuuausala has grown in stature since he’s been here.

When he arrived mid-season from Canberra, we saw glimpses of what he can do but now he’s really impressing.

I’m sorry to hear Ben Currie will be out of action for up to nine months.

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I saw him after the game on Friday, I was hoping his injury wasn’t too bad, but it’s since been confirmed he’s facing a long lay-off.

He’s had a great year for Warrington and I’m sure he’d have been in the reckoning for England this year.

Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery.

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