LUKE MARSDEN: The virus has finally got me!

Luke was subjected to two lateral flow tests like thisLuke was subjected to two lateral flow tests like this
Luke was subjected to two lateral flow tests like this
Nearly a year on from our first national lockdown and I’ve finally come down with the coronavirus.

I got a positive test result on Monday.

It’s an odd feeling having such a negative reaction to reading the word “positive”. The irony.

Last weekend I started to have cold-like symptoms which I put down to having a cold as I couldn’t remember the last time I actually had one. Coupled with the fact we’re all locked in our homes and our immune systems will be weaker than previous years, I was convinced I had a head cold for a few days.

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Sunday evening came and, walking upstairs to get into bed, I was totally out of breath as though I’d just done a 10k with Mo Farah.

I knew it was time to get a test. I opted for the drive thru option at Haydock Racecourse, the team there are a credit to Covid testing, super-efficient and answered any questions I had (a lot).

I had three tests, two lateral flow tests which deliver the result in an hour and the main test which arrived back the following day.

The idea is that all three tests will display the same result and they can begin using lateral flow tests in other scenarios, like schools.

I scored a hat-trick of positives.

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The smallest of tasks are still leaving me breathless and my sense of taste and smell have now left me.

I’m lucky I’m a healthy 33-year-old as I can totally understand why this insidious virus is rampaging through the overweight, elderly and those with health conditions.

If you start to feel unwell, perhaps like me you think it’s just a cold, please get a test, hopefully it is just a cold but if it isn’t, we all need to do our part to stop the spread!

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