New mission to tackle anti-social behaviour

Our Deal with Young People takes to Hindley Fire StationOur Deal with Young People takes to Hindley Fire Station
Our Deal with Young People takes to Hindley Fire Station
More than £41,000 is being invested in young people across Wigan borough over the next two through a new project to tackle anti-social behaviour.

The Our Deal with Young People project delivered by Inspiring healthy lifestyles, as part of Wigan Council’s Deal for Children and Young People, is supported by the new funding from the Police Crime Commissioner’s office and began with more than 60 young people enjoying an evening of sports, recreation and life skills at Hindley Fire Station.

The project will run on a two-monthly basis in selected locations, working with communities to host and promote activities for local young people to help tackle identified levels of anti-social behaviour and boost cohesion.

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The event was just a glimpse of what the project will offer. Alongside food, sports and entertainment, young people were offered free healthy relationships advice from the Brook Wigan, free money skills from Barclays, and Wigan charity Fix It! were on hand to teach the basics of car mechanics.

The activities were supported by the young people from Wigan and Leigh Youth Cabinet as part of their campaign for curriculum for life.

Tommy, 16, who attended the launch event said: “Before I spoke to Barclays I couldn’t tell you anything about money, but now I feel I’ve come away from the evening with some understanding.”

Jason Fidler from Barclays said: “It’s good to let the young people know about banking, teaching them about money and life skills because they need to know this.

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“Everyone we have asked have all said that they want to know this practical information, so it’s good to be able to get out into the community on evening’s like this when they’re willing to listen and learn.”

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue’s crew manager at Hindley Fire Station, John Bridge, who helped to host the event said: “It’s clear everyone had a great time, and once again the partnership between everyone who provided activities on the evening showed how committed we are to improving the lives of the adults and young people in Wigan and Great Manchester.”

For more information on upcoming events email community engagement officer Steven Eastwood [email protected] or ring 01942 828510.

Inspiring healthy lifestyles currently help to run sessions at Hindley Fire Station every Thursday from 7.30pm to 9pm as part of the Restorative Solution X Zone project in partnership with Wigan Council and GMFRS