Lifeline to patients as surgery closes

Dr Das's surgery in LeighDr Das's surgery in Leigh
Dr Das's surgery in Leigh
Medical chiefs have moved to allay fears that patients will be left high and dry with the closure of a GP surgery.

Dr Naya Nand Das is set to retire at the end of the year and, as he is the only doctor based at the clinic in Church Street, Leigh, it is set to shut.

It comes just months after the practice - called the Direct Access Surgery (Das) was ruled inadequate by the Care Quality Commission and placed in special measures.

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NHS Wigan Borough CCG is urging its patients to register at another practice in their area as soon as possible to ensure they continue to get access to the services they need from their GP.

There are 12 GP practices within a mile of Dr Das’s with more in the surrounding area. Patients have the right to choose any GP that is local to where they live.

All of Dr Das’s patients should now have received a letter explaining what it means and giving information on how to register at a local practice of their choice. Those who haven’t should ring the CCG on 01942 482892.

Chairman Dr Tim Dalton said: “I understand this news will cause Dr Das’s patients some concern. Please don’t worry because we have plans in place to support them. However, the best way for his patients to help themselves, is to register as soon as possible with another GP practice that is local to them. I strongly recommend that they do this as soon as possible. There are lots of high quality GPs in the area and I am confident that whatever practice they choose will make sure they get access to high quality services.”