Husband's suicide death quiz

Darren HalliwellDarren Halliwell
Darren Halliwell
The millionaire husband of a Wigan woman who took her own life after battling a sleeping pills addiction questioned why his wife was not considered to be a 'high risk' before her death.

Bolton Coroner’s Court was told Sharon Halliwell, 48, was not referred to a psychiatrist, after a suicide assessment conducted on behalf of North West Boroughs NHS Foundation Trust (NWB), because of an “error” by an advanced nurse practitioner.

But her husband Darren Halliwell said his wife gave similar answers to a trust therapist previously, besides her suicide bid.

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“How big a risk does someone have to be before something is done?” he told the hearing.

Mrs Haliwell was found hanged at her home in Manse Gardens, Worsley Mesnes, on April 18 after family became concerned for her welfare.

Yesterday’s inquest was told the couple had a “volatile relationship”, partly due to Mrs Halliwell’s longstanding addiction to sleeping tablets.

The couple made international headlines two years ago when Mr Halliwell was arrested following an air rage incident involving his wife. No charges were proceeded with after Mr Haliwell was deported but their flight from Heathrow to Houston had to be diverted to Boston.

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He was convicted of assaulting his wife in 2015 in a separate incident.

The inquest heard Mrs Haliwell was referred to mental health services after the attempt on her own life. She also worked with drugs recovery charity Addaction but co-ordinator Michael Brady said their involvement ended when she claimed she no longer abused pills.

Mr Halliwell asked whether urine tests could have been conducted, to check on this but medics said this was unheard of for prescription medicine addictions.

Recording a suicide conclusion, Bolton coroner Jennifer Leeming said she would write to NWB to recommend improved connectivity between different trust teams, to help reduce the risk of future deaths.

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