Seekers of Wigan treasure fail to strike gold

No treasure found in WiganNo treasure found in Wigan
No treasure found in Wigan
No treasure was found in Wigan last year, despite more than 1,000 discoveries elsewhere in England and Wales.

Though there was no success in Wigan, the British Museum said it was pleasing to see some local museums across the country acquiring these “important archaeological objects”.

​There were no finds reported in the last three years to the Manchester West Coroner’s Court, which is responsible for holding treasure inquests.

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By contrast, Lincolnshire was the best area for treasure, with 89 finds last year alone.

Across England and Wales, 1,061 finds were reported last year – 6% more than the year before.

The Treasure Act, introduced in 1997, defines treasure as discoveries older than 300 years.

These include coins, prehistoric metallic objects and artefacts that are at least 10% precious metal such as gold or silver.

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All potential treasure finds are processed by the British Museum, whose experts advise coroners on whether the find fits the definition of treasure.

If a coroner rules that it is treasure, both local and national museums are given the chance to acquire the pieces, and the finder will be paid a sum depending on the treasure’s value.

But if the find is determined not to be treasure, or no museums want it, then it is returned to the treasure hunter.

A Ministry of Justice report on last year’s treasure finds said the number of discoveries has been steadily increasing since the Treasure Act commenced – rising from just 54 finds in 1997. There were 380 inquests concluded last year, with more than 90% returning a verdict of treasure.

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Anyone fortunate enough to discover something they think is treasure must report their finding to the coroner within two weeks, so the court can hold an inquest to decide who should get the to keep it.

Failure to do so can result in an unlimited fine or up to three months in prison.

With metal detecting being permitted again as lockdown lifts, Mr Richardson urged people to continue to follow the Code of Practice for Responsible Metal Detecting.