Wigan's Week In Court

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Round-up of people brought before Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court ...

Jack Robert Fishwick (23): Kitt Green Road, Wigan - Failed without reasonable excuse to comply with a community requirement of a suspended sentence order: Fined £150.

Mark Anthony Evans (41): Chapel Street, Orrell - Assaulted Janet Dooley by beating her: Discharged conditionally for six months, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £20.

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Veronica Nora Jane Walsh (44): Darfield, Up Holland - Stole chocolate from the Co-op store in Up Holland: Jailed for 28 days suspended for 12 months, pay £20 compensation, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £115.

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court

Jake Stradins (24): St Mary’s Court, Lowton - Damaged two televisions and furniture to the value of £2,200 belonging to Ian Stradins: Jailed for eight weeks with the offence being so serious because defendant carried out a rampage at his father’s home, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £115.

Ryan Barnes (40): Worsley Terrace, Wigan - Drove a BMW in Whelley, Wigan, without due care and attention: Fined £108, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £30, pay costs of £500 to the Crown Prosecution Service, driving record endorsed with six points.

Hamidn Hassan (42): Lime Street, Wigan - Failed to give information relating to the identification of a driver alleged to have been guilty of an offence: Fined £100, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £15, driving record endorsed with six points.

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Renars Pavlovskis (24): Warrington Road, Ince - Drink driving on Schofield Lane, with 40 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, drove without insurance: Fined £270, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £30, pay costs of £85 to the Crown Prosecution Service, disqualified from driving for 12 months.

Lisa Marie Whalley (34): Logwood House Place, Scot Lane - Assaulted a police officer, causing her actual bodily harm: Jailed for 16 weeks, suspended for 12 months, alcohol treatment programme requirement, pay £250 compensation.

Shaun Dean (40): Springfield Road, Wigan - Assaulted Hayley Simcock by beating her: 18-month community order with rehabilitation requirement, restraining order not to contact Hayley Simcock or enter Lincoln Road, Hindley, pay £100 compensation.

Anthony James Connor (30): Viscount Road, Marsh Green - Having entered as a trespasser at TK Maxx, Robin Retail Park, stole purses to the value of £139: Jailed for 12 weeks as committed the offence while on licence, pay £139 compensation.

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Mark Anthony Bowden-Davies (31): Wigan Road, Ashton - Failed without reasonable excuse to comply with the community requirement of a suspended sentence order: New suspended sentence order imposed with unpaid work requirement for 60 hours.

Tayla Johnson (22): Kennedy Close, Standish - Failed without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of a community order given for assault and criminal damage: New community order made with drug rehabilitation requirement.

Jordan Thompson (20): Southfield, Platt Bridge - Failed without reasonable excuse to comply with supervision requirements following a period of detention: New supervision order made with curfew for 20 days.

Collette Edwards: Pagefield Street, Wigan -Being the parent of a child at Beech Hill Primary School, failed to ensure they attended regularly: Fined £220, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £30, pay costs of £100.

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Kimberley Lovell: Bradshaw Street, Orrell - Being the parent of a child at The Dean Trust, failed to ensure they attended regularly: Fined £440, pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £44, pay costs of £100.