Wigan toddler murder suspect dad returns to court

The late Hollie AshurstThe late Hollie Ashurst
The late Hollie Ashurst
A Wigan man charged with murdering his toddler daughter has been back before a judge.

Daniel Ashurst is accused of killing 14-month-old Hollie at their home in Fleming Court, Shevington, on February 28.

The 32-year-old was in the dock for a brief hearing at Manchester Crown Court on Friday at which barristers requested a adjournment for the preparation of medical reports.

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Ashurst has yet to enter a plea but a provisional trial date has already been set for October 2.

He is now due back before the judge on July 26 and remains remanded in custody in the meantime.

Ashurst was arrested by police who had been called by medical staff saying a baby girl was being taken to hospital with head injuries.

Tragically the youngster could not be saved and died the next day.

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A post-mortem examination later concluded that she died from head injuries.

In a moving tribute shortly after Hollie's death, her mother Leanne said: “Hollie was my dream come true.

“She was such a bright, smiley, happy little girl and was everyone’s ray of sunshine.

“Hollie brightened everyone’s day and was an inspiration and never unhappy.

“Fly high my princess with your other loved ones and sweet dreams my baby girl.

“I will always love you.”