Wigan primary school warns parents after online grooming of pupil

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A Wigan primary school is urging parents to check their children's social media accounts after a pupil was asked to send pictures of themselves to a stranger.

Ince CE Primary School is warning parents following an incident in which a child was asked to send pictures of themselves to an adult unrelated to the school.

Although no details have been released about the social media platform, parents are being asked to check all of their children's accounts.

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A spokesperson for the school said: "Please check your children's social media accounts. A concerned parent has informed us today that their child has been groomed by an adult. The child was asked to take photographs of themselves. The police have been informed and are investigating. Please check your child's profile.

"For further clarification, this incident is *not* an internal school investigation and has nothing to do with any adult involved with our school.

"The parent kindly brought this to our attention, so we can relay a safety message to our parents/carers.

"The safety of our children is school's number one priority. If you have any concerns about your child's social media accounts, please contact the police, as they are investigating this matter."