Wigan dealer had £1,000 worth of drugs hidden in his home and pants

Kevin LindleyKevin Lindley
Kevin Lindley
A Wigan dealer found with more than £1,000 worth of illegal substances secreted in both his flat and trousers has been jailed.

Kevin Lindley appeared before a Bolton Crown Court judge to admit possessing no fewer than 123 wraps of mainly class A drugs intended for supply.

The hearing was told that police had followed a speeding car in Wigan and when it pulled up and they spoke to its occupants, they noticed the interior smelt heavily of cannabis.

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Lindley, 29, of Millgate, Scholes, was searched, a small amount of cannabis and cocaine were found and he was arrested.

But once in a cell at Wigan Police station he then voluntarily produced more wraps of drugs from the back of his pants. A search of his flat yielded yet more wraps plus three mobile phones.

In total, 72 wraps of cannabis, 49 of crack cocaine, one of cocaine and one of cannabis with a combined street value of £1,045 were recovered.

Lindley was jailed for 27 months and the judge also ordered that a Proceeds of Crime hearing be held at the same court on February 3 to see if any more of his ill-gotten gains can be recovered.

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The arrest was made in the early hours of October 19 last year, the court heard. At around 2.55am a police patrol spotted a red Ford Fiesta, with several occupants inside, driving at speed on Warrington Lane.

Eventually it pulled up outside Douglas House. When the officers approached the vehicle, the smell of cannabis was said to be particularly heavy around Lindley and so he was searched.

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