Shame of Wigan fly-tipper who dumped bin bags in the street

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A fly-tipper who dumped bin bags on a street and ignored multiple fixed penalties sent to him has appeared in court.

Anthony Suppelsa, admitted to leaving bags of household waste on Ashton Road, Winstanley, which had split open and left rubbish strewn about the neighbourhood.

The 39-year-old failed to appear before magistrates on this week in connection with the offences which took place in March last year.

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Prosecuting on behalf of Wigan Council, Stephanie Ilonzeh, said: “An enforcement officer responded to a complaint from a resident about the waste being exposed.

“They found evidence of an address among the litter, so attended a premises where the defendant’s partner was.

“She said that the defendant had removed the bags and had taken to the tip, which he had claimed to have a permit for, and provided the officer with his contact details. Despite four attempts to contact him, along with voice mails and text messages, they did not receive a response from the defendant.

“Fly-tipping is a blight on our neighbourhood, with more than £4m spent by the council dealing with it.”

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Wigan justices heard that council representatives handling the case had to see Suppelsa before issuing him a fixed penalty notice, and that when he eventually got in contact with officers, he told them that he was having problems arranging this due to work commitments.

The defendant, who was unrepresented in court, pleaded guilty to the offence, and stated that he was moving the rubbish on behalf of a friend.

Magistrates fined Suppelsa £320, along with costs of £300 to Wigan Council, and a victim surcharge of £32.