Pregnant Wigan mum was attacked by drunk partner

Wigan and Leigh Courthouse, where the hearing took placeWigan and Leigh Courthouse, where the hearing took place
Wigan and Leigh Courthouse, where the hearing took place
A Wigan man who grabbed his pregnant partner by the throat while in a drunken rage has walked free from court.

Stuart Evans, of Bowness Place in Higher Ince, appeared at Wigan Magistrates’ Court this week charged with the assault of his partner and her daughter in October.

The 47-year-old, who claimed not to have had a drink in 10 years up until the night of the incident, was charged after a fight broke out at the family home during which he threw his partner onto the sofa and hit her on the side of the head with a blunt object.

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Prosecuting, Katie Beattie told magistrates how Evans hit his 11-week pregnant partner to the head and body after becoming agitated and abusive towards her.

The court heard how the daughter had been sitting downstairs watching television after her mum and Evans went up to bed.

Not long after, her mum came back downstairs and joined her daughter in the living room. According to the younger victim, less than two minutes later Evans came running down the stairs shouting obscenities at his partner.

“The daughter grabbed her phone and started filming,” said Mrs Beattie. “He grabbed it and threw it across the room.

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“She saw him push her mum into the settee so she went and called 999.”

The daughter told prosecutors. “He grabbed me by the hair and tried to take my phone from me. I saw him fall so I ran out of the front door.

“I stayed outside until they arrived.

“I was very worried about my mum and what I was going to do for her.”

Evans who was described by his partner as “the nicest guy you could meet when he’s sober”, then continued the attack while police were on the way.

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His partner told police: “He accused me of sleeping with an ex. I knew from past arguments that he wouldn’t kick off in front of my daughter.”

A scuffle broke out as the woman, in the early stages of pregnancy, tried to restrain her partner so that he would not hurt her or her daughter. “He pushed her into the wall and grabbed her daughter by the hair,” added Mrs Beattie.

Evans’ partner, who managed to get him in a headlock, shouted “run” to her daughter - who then managed to get outside.

Evans, who is now back with his partner and planning to move back into the family home after a brief split, told magistrates that he was “very sorry” for what he had done.

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“It’s been 10 years since I had an alcoholic drink,” he said. “It was a massive mistake. I do regret it, it won’t be happening again.”

He was given a 12-month community order with 20 days of rehabilitation activity and was ordered to pay £461 which includes court costs, compensation and a fine for the offences.