Judge sets Wigan suspect's murder trial date

Lee ChristyLee Christy
Lee Christy
A Wigan man has appeared before a judge accused of murdering a pub regular.

Derek Bentham is charged with killing Lee Christy in an incident outside the Bear’s Paw, in Hindley’s Market Street, earlier this month.

The 45-year-old was rushed to hospital after sustaining injuries on the evening of Saturday, September 15, but died four days later.

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Bentham, 46, of Smithwood Avenue, Hindley, appeared in the dock at Manchester Crown Court this week, but did not enter a plea.

The scene of the assaultThe scene of the assault
The scene of the assault

He was remanded in custody until November 16 – when he is likely to plead – and a provisional date of March 4 2019 was set for a trial to be held at Bolton Crown Court.

Mr Christy left a daughter Leah, his mother Olive and her partner Benny, sister Julie, four brothers – Darren, David, Stuart and Andrew – and brother-in-law Phil.