Driver of BMW was over the drink limit

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court
A woman caught drink-driving was trying to prevent a confrontation between her friend’s ex-boyfriend and her new date, a court heard.

Lauren Davies, 25, was stopped by a police officer concerned about the way she was driving her BMW on Gregory Street, Hindley, at around 3am on April 7.

Tests showed she had 60 microgrammes of alcohol in 100mls of breath - over the legal limit of 35mgs - and she pleaded guilty to drink-driving when she appeared before Wigan magistrates.

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Kathryn Lloyd, defending, said Davies had been out with a friend and returned in a taxi.

Her friend had been on a date with a man, who returned to the house, but her former partner became aware he was there and told Davies he would go round, the court heard.

She offered to drive him away from the house to avoid a confrontation.

Ms Lloyd said Davies was “not thinking” when she got in the car and now expected to lose her job caring for the elderly, as she needed to drive to their homes.

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She said: “She is clearly upset and ashamed to be brought before the courts today.

“She found it incredibly distressing to be in the cells overnight.”

Magistrates imposed a 17-month driving ban, which can be reduced if Davies, of Burwell Close, Great Lever, Bolton, completes a rehabilitation course.

She must pay a £190 fine, £85 costs and £30 victim surcharge.