Arrest made after reports of man armed with 10-inch knife running through Wigan town centre

The knife seized by policeThe knife seized by police
The knife seized by police | ugc
A "fearless" police officer seized a 10-inch knife from a man running through Wigan town centre in the early hours.

Police were called to reports of a man running along Church Yard towards Market Square armed with a knife at 2.50am on Sunday.

A 21-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession of cocaine and an offensive bladed article in a public place.

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Ch Insp Nicki Tompsett, of Greater Manchester Police's Wigan division, said: “A 10 inches long by two inches wide knife was swiftly recovered by one of our GMP officers this morning which could have caused serious harm in a central part of Wigan.

“The weapon has now been seized and will no longer be on our streets which is a great step in reducing knife crime and keeping the people of Wigan safe

“The officer was fearless in recovering the weapon and I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his swift response and hard work that was aided by Wigan CCTV operators.”