Borough councillor announces MP bid

Coun Keith CunliffeCoun Keith Cunliffe
Coun Keith Cunliffe
A second Labour councillor has entered the race to become the borough's newest MP.

Coun Keith Cunliffe has announced he would like to become Labour's candidate for Leigh in the general election.

He said on Twitter: "Having been approached by local people, and party members, I have decided to apply to be the Labour candidate for Leigh in the GE in June."

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Coun Cunliffe, who represents Leigh East on Wigan Council, is the cabinet member for adult and social care and has been a councillor since 2008.

He joins Astley and Mosley Common councillor Jo Platt, who announced yesterday that she would apply to become Labour's candidate in Leigh.They hope to replace Leigh's current Labour MP Andy Burnham, who is bidding to become the first elected mayor of Greater Manchester.

Earlier this week, Mr Burnham said he would not stand for re-election in Leigh even if he does not become mayor.