Wigan school bids farewell to retiring assistant head

Susan Robbins surrounded by her pupilsSusan Robbins surrounded by her pupils
Susan Robbins surrounded by her pupils
Susan Robbins, assistant headteacher at St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary School, Norley Hall, has retired after 32 years’ service, surrounded by children from Reception.

In 1989 Susan started off in the old “yellow submarine” Infant building, when the school was a split site, has taught every year group since and for the past 10 years has been the school’s inclusion manager.

She “always loved the big Christmas plays” while other highlights include taking pupils to Hinning House, Wigan Council’s outdoor education centre in the Lake District.

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Susan said: “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it but it’s time to start a new adventure” and is looking forward to rekindling her hobby of painting, doing gardening and spending more time with her son, two daughters and grandson.

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