PICTURE SPECIAL: Wigan students celebrate their A-level results

Hundreds of Wigan teenagers have been celebrating A-level, Btec and the new T-level results after several years of unprecedented upheaval caused by Covid.

Nationally grades have come down after examining boards on a return to tougher, pre-pandemic marking regimes. But despite that, borough sixth form colleges have declared themselves delighted with the latest cohort and their results, with some reporting trend-bucking rises in grades. And of course there are many students who have individually excelled, sometimes against expectations. Dozens have secured places at Oxbridge, many others are also university-bound and others still have won apprenticeships or heading into further education or the world of work. Senior Wigan politicians have also saluted the class of 2023 for their sterling efforts in the face of adversity.

Any students who need to speak to someone about their exam results can call the exam results helpline on 0800 100 900 and get advice from a qualified careers adviser. The helpline is open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 5pm on Saturday.

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