Women in Wigan earned 18.4 per cent less than men per hour in 2019

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Women in Wigan earned 18.4 per cent less than men per hour in 2019, figures reveal.

It’s half a century since the Equal Pay Act enshrined the right to equal wages for equal work in law.

But women continue to be at an economic disadvantage, taking home lower wages and shouldering the greater part of the care burden.

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The World Economic Forum warns it could take another 100 years to close the global gender pay gap.

Following the highest profile International Women’s Day at the weekend, figures have been published which show how many battles for equality are still to be fought.

The latest Office for National Statistics’ estimate of the 18.4 per cent gap between Wigan women and men is wider than the UK average of 17.3.

The gender pay gap is partly attributed to the fact women are more likely to work part-time: 33 per cent of female workers in Wigan did so in September last year, compared to ​nine per cent of men.

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But the gap is actually bigger among Wigan’s full-time workers. Women earn an average of 18.9 per cent less per year than men, with a median salary of £23,839 in 2019, compared to £29,407 for men.

Gender equality charity the Fawcett Society said we should not be complacent about gender pay gaps, which can be closed if employers show a willingness to make changes.

Employers should be more open about their pay gaps and let local women know what they are doing to tackle them by publishing action plans,” it said.

The gap follows women into their retirement, with experts highlighting how a penalty for working part-time is “short-changing” women.

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Department for Work and Pensions figures show men in Wigan collected an average of £27.57 more than women every week from their State Pension last August. The average male pensioner took home £172.35 per week compared to £144.78 for females – meaning women receive 16 per cent less.

Research has also highlighted a gender gap in private workplace pensions.

Thinktank the Pensions Policy Institute says women are being hit by a penalty on part-time work while they care for children or elderly relatives. “The result is both interrupted pension contributions and limited earning opportunities,” it said.

​Some poorer pensioners can apply for Pension Credit, an income-related benefit which tops up their weekly income to a minimum amount.

In Wigan 9,135 people were claiming Pension Credit in August, 65 per cent of them women, reflecting a population of female retirees with lower state and private pensions.

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