Wigan mum inspired to set up own company selling natural products

Jane Thorpe with her productsJane Thorpe with her products
Jane Thorpe with her products
A mum shocked by the ingredients in her cosmetic and skin care products was inspired to set up her own business.

Jane Thorpe started to investigate the products she was using after having a series of skin problems, including concerns she could have skin cancer.

And she was stunned to find the “nasties” that they contained.

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Jane, who lives in Wrightington, said: “I thought I would look at what’s in my shampoo in case there was anything irritating me and I found there were things in there that were irritating and possibly cancerous.

“There are lots of things in the products that are classed as okay, but because we use so many, I thought the cumulative effect couldn’t be good.

“I started to look for more natural products and it was through that I started to try to replaces things in my house with more natural things.”

As she looked for alternative items, she discovered that the candles she loved were also problematic.

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Jane said: “I found out a lot of candles have paraffin wax and I didn’t really want that because it releases toxic particles in the soot.

“I started to try to find a more natural candle. I couldn’t find any that were completely natural, they mainly had synthetic fragrances.

“I started to make some using natural oils and it was quite tricky, but I managed and have got some good candles.”

Jane set up her own business, Aequo Essential, which now has a collection of luxury, hand-poured and handmade home fragrance products all made in-house at her home studio.

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They contain natural essential oil fragrances, so people can benefit from the aromatherapy benefits as well as enjoy the smells they produce.

As well as candles, she creates room mists and diffusers, with plans to launch a body care range in future.

She works in photography and banking, so had to do a lot of researching, testing and trials as she launched her new business in a completely different sector.

Since launching Aequo Essential last year, she has had a great response from her customers.

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Jane, who has a son and a stepdaughter, said: “It’s been very positive from the people who have bought from me. It’s a struggle getting people to buy products, but those who have bought them have been very positive.

“There are more people wanting to go down this route now and are more aware of what’s in the products, so they want more natural products.

“There’s a groundswell of people wanting to move away from products with harmful nasties in them.”

Jane sells the products through her website, but is also looking for stockists to allow more people to buy her items.

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Find out more visit the website at www.aequoessential.co.uk.

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