Wigan mum's mission to help feed struggling families

Kelly FieldKelly Field
Kelly Field
A kind-hearted mum from Wigan is giving out hampers for people living in poverty.

Kelly Field makes hampers to send out in the local area, thanks to the generosity of the Billinge community.

During the lockdown last year, Kelly had bought one too many tins and decided to make food hampers with the food that couldn’t quite fit into her cupboards. Posting on the Billinge Community Group page, she asked for support and any donations.

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She said: “A few hampers that we’ve given out have been done anonymously or we’ve just left it on the doorstep for them. With other people, they’ve taken it and I’ve had a chat with them. I take regular hampers for a few of the people because of the current situation, people have lost jobs or are on furlough so they’re not on the same income.

“I like to get the hamper out as soon as possible. You don’t know whether someone’s eaten today, yesterday or three days ago. They’re also topped up by fresh items so cheese, ham, butter, eggs, and bread. It’s not a luxury hamper by any means, but people have the choice of soup and a sandwich or beans on toast, rather than just a tin of beans.

“Kids are off school now, so you’ve got to look at putting the heating on, then you’ve got to look at feeding them, which doesn’t come into the budget if the kids were at school.”

A few years ago, the 38-year-old suffered with a gambling addiction, which left her family with £20 a week and consequently, Kelly spiralled into depression.

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“I know what it’s like to suffer and not having an option or a choice of meal. We really struggled and didn’t reach out for help.”

“I think people would go without eating to not embarrass themselves by asking for help, which is an absolute shame.”

The Billinge community have helped make over 50 hampers, which Kelly delivers to each person or family.

“There are loads of people, as this has shown, that are more than happy to help out and spend their own money for people who struggle. It’s been really nice to see people come out and bring parcels and brought shopping when they’ve been.”

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If you are in any need or would like to donate, visit Billinge food hampers on Facebook.

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