Wigan mum whose son took his own life launches Snapchat campaign

Jack ParkerJack Parker
Jack Parker
A grieving Wigan mum is campaigning for Snapchat to raise its age limit after her teenaged son was bullied on the platform so badly that he took his own life.

Jack Parker was 15 when he was found dead in the woods near Astley in July. The Fred Longworth High School pupil was being bullied and threatened on the popular social platform, his mother Karen said.

Sick torments included messages of “your boyfs getting jumped xoxo Let him know ye.”

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Now, Karen is determined to help prevent the same tragedy from occurring to other young people, by calling for Snapchat bosses to up the age limit from 13 to 18 to minimise the number of teenagers being exposed to bullying online.

In an online petition, 43-year-old Karen wrote: “My beautiful son Jack took his own life on 28 July 2020. He was 15.

“He was a loving, funny, intelligent boy who was also very sensitive. So sensitive that he couldn’t tell me about the constant bullying he was receiving by people on Snapchat and other social media.

“Due to the age of the bullies, there is no consequence!”

“My aim is to make Snapchat for 18+ only. Far too many children are being bullied this way and the messages disappear within 2 -24 hours, with NO way of retrieving them.

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“It’s easy for kids to write things, nasty things from behind a keyboard whilst sat in the comfort of their bedroom, knowing that their nasty messages will be gone forever within a few hours.

“The trouble is, the recipient won’t and doesn’t forget. It plays in their mind over and over again until it consumes their life and they can’t take no more.

“It wasn’t until I joined a group for people bereaved by suicide, that I realised that I wasn’t the only one going through this nightmare.

“The number of people joining everyday amazes me, to think that so many people are suffering this horrible hell is just overwhelming.”

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She added: “Please, please help me get Justice for Jack and all the other young people out there who are suffering, and feel like there is no way out but to take their own life.”

To sign the petition, visit change.org/p/snap-inc-justice-for-jack.

A Snapchat spokesperson said: “No-one deserves to be bullied and our hearts go out to Jack’s loved ones. We designed Snapchat as a place that prioritises friendship and default settings make it impossible for someone to receive a message from an account they have not added as a friend.

“Any Snapchatter experiencing bullying can easily report it to us right in the app and our safety team will do their best to help. We also provide in-app mental health support with a feature called Here For You, where Snapchatters can get expert advice from organisations such as Young Minds, the Samaritans and the Diana Award.”

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