New Wigan town centre arts exhibition explores digital technology

The Creator by Al and AlThe Creator by Al and Al
The Creator by Al and Al
The Fire Within is going high-tech for its latest shown in The Galleries Shopping Centre.

The next phase of Wigan Council's cultural manifesto is unveiled next weekend with the upstairs galleries in the retail complex into an exploration of the power of digital to bring people together.

The theme of 2020-21 in the local authority's five-year arts plan is Digital Wigan, a theme which arguably has become more relevant than ever in a world of social distancing and events having to take place online rather than in public.

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As with previous exhibitions at The Fire Within a number of local artists and creatives will be featured, including a film based on the current successes of Wigan's music scene.

The transformer robot made from a Ford Fiesta arriving at the exhibitionThe transformer robot made from a Ford Fiesta arriving at the exhibition
The transformer robot made from a Ford Fiesta arriving at the exhibition

Cabinet member for communities and culture, Coun Chris Ready, said: “For the last couple of years, our teams have been working really closely with the borough’s cultural organisations, freelance artists and other creative professionals in order to create a five-year plan that will bring arts and culture to the forefront of people’s minds.

“Our focus last year was on bringing people together and transforming the previously vacant shopping units into a ground-breaking social space.

“Due to the pandemic, our approach has had to change this year. Our second theme was always going to be Digital Wigan and with the current climate, this focus is actually more important and relatable than we ever would have thought.

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“This new exhibition will explore how technology has the power to bring people together in many ways. And, we have a lot of exciting art works and artists being featured."

The Other Suit by Hetain Patel at The Fire WithinThe Other Suit by Hetain Patel at The Fire Within
The Other Suit by Hetain Patel at The Fire Within

The six rooms in The Galleries explore social media, the computer age and superheroes.

Jarman Award-winning artist Hetain Patel's contribution includes a transformer robot built out of his first car.

The emoji room and Icons spaces have also been transformed with some more important figures from the borough's past taking the spotlight, including LGBTQ rights activist Allan Horsfall and Leigh punk rock musician Pete Shelley of Buzzcocks fame.

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Wigan artist Dustin Lyon will feature in three of the rooms, with his contribution including a laser piece he has created especially for The Fire Within.

His work uses cutting-edge digital software, light, sound and projections to create large-scale installations blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.

For this show, Dustin said he wants to explore how technology and artificial intelligence will change people's lives in the future.

He said: “Sometimes there is a perception that art is pretentious but that’s what is so good about The Fire Within. It sits within a shopping centre in the heart of the town centre, so those barriers are broken down straight away.

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“I’ve been involved with The Fire Within since its inception and I’ve really enjoyed being part of a local show. I have a real confidence in local artists and the calibre of our talent.

“The work displayed at The Fire Within is comparable to The Tate and other large-scale galleries, yet it’s grassroots and is a great opportunity to engage with people directly.

“My work explores how we mine minerals from the earth, which are then used to power our devices and connect socially. I like the idea of showcasing something new to inspire others.

“If we engage properly and provide the right resources, so many people could demonstrate creativity - the more we reach out to the community, the stronger the relationship between the arts sector and the public will be.”

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Wigan residents may also recognise some of the pieces on display in the new show as a number of artworks from the former Drumcroon gallery have been brought out of the council’s stores for the first time in years.

The installation has been curated by international artists and Wigan residents Al Holmes and Al Taylor, best known as Al and Al.

This will be the third installation they have delivered on behalf of the council since May 2019.

They said: “The new show is an amazing hidden history story we have mined during our research of our hometown.

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“We have been working closely with Wigan Council who have helped to build the units during the pandemic and have been overjoyed to be back working on exciting culture projects with us.

“One thing is for sure, this super show will be filled with super special things, including some of the rising stars in Wigan borough.

“We’re also really proud to have a documentary about our newly-signed artists-in-residence, The Lathums, playing loud and proud on the emoji stage.

“No matter how much the digital age helps us all to stay in touch with the ones we love, there really is no substitute for visiting and enjoying a great day out at an inspirational show. We can’t wait to welcome you!”

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The exhibition will be officially open to the public from Thursday September 24 but closed tours will take place at a low-key opening on Saturday September 19 due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Members of the public can preview the exhibition early for two hours between 1pm and 3pm on Saturday September 19.

Visitors will be expected to wear face masks and to social distance when in the space. Hand sanitising stations and one-way systems will be in place.

For more information about The Fire Within, including opening hours, visit