Readers' letters - July 28

Prime Minister David Cameron took a risk and lost it all, says a reader. See letterPrime Minister David Cameron took a risk and lost it all, says a reader. See letter
Prime Minister David Cameron took a risk and lost it all, says a reader. See letter
Goodbye Cameron


Goodbye Cameron

Was David Cameron the architect of his own political downfall?

He told the nation on the steps of 10 Downing Street that he had left Britain ‘much stronger’ after his six years in office, that he was proud of reducing the deficit, introducing the gay marriage law, increasing international aid spending and cutting waiting lists for NHS treatments.

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What happened to those promises he made to us in the Tory manifesto of 2010?

He promised to reduce net migration to below 100,000 by 2015.

He failed on that, failed to keep pace with the huge demand for housing stock, failed to protect businesses and homes from the risk of flooding, and supported fracking against the wishes of thousands of people.

His Government was forced into embarrassing U-turns on cuts to family tax credits, disability benefits and plans to force all schools to become academies.

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The benefit cuts he administered to the sick and disabled angered many people and those families on low incomes have struggled to make ends meet while he rewarded the rich and well-off with tax breaks.

The final chapter of David Cameron’s legacy will, of course, be dominated by his huge misjudgment of the electorate.

He sincerely thought he could persuade the British people to vote to stay in the European Union and this backfired.

Mr Cameron pandered to his eurosceptic MPs at Westminster and the fear of the rise of UKIP.

This proved to be a reckless gamble that failed big 

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Our former Prime Minister was finally defeated by the business of politics.

He took an almighty risk 
and in the end he lost it all.

Goodbye David Cameron.

John Yale

Address supplied


Split would benefit Tories

In response to Mr Harry Francis, from Ashton, who wrote a letter entitled, I’d welcome a Labour split, (WEP July 21).

Mr Francis claims to know the mind of Labour Party members, though it is unclear whether he is a member himself.

Perhaps if he was a party member, or even a resident of Wigan, he would know the overwhelming desire of Labour Party members to remain united whatever the result of the upcoming leadership election.

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Lisa Nandy has met with Wigan Labour Party members to explain her reasons for resigning from the shadow cabinet and I believe the vast majority of my fellow members respect her decision and the reasons for it, even those who wish she had remained in her position to support Jeremy Corbyn.

A Labour split would serve only to benefit the Tories and would do nothing for those who have been downtrodden by this current Government.

Dave Calder, Swinley

Labour Party Member


Not such a disaster

Far from punishing the 
UK for the Brexit result, 
the G20 countries seem to have realised that their economy is intertwined with ours and we are the fifth strongest economy in the world.

I hope all the Remain voters will finally accept that the referendum decision was not the disaster they all thought it was.

Hilary Andrews,

Address supplied