Readers' letters - February 27

Prime Minister forgets the adverse effects of fracking says a correspondentPrime Minister forgets the adverse effects of fracking says a correspondent
Prime Minister forgets the adverse effects of fracking says a correspondent
Prime Minister forgets the adverse effects of fracking

So Theresa May insists that fracking will benefit the UK and local communities. She gives two reasons – reducing our reliance on imported energy and the fact that local communities “will potentially be able” to claim off community funds. The Prime Minister fails to mention the adverse effects – pollution, noise, destruction of countryside, impact on wildlife and local ecosystems, impact on tourism, impact on mental health of local people. Will Mrs May be so enthusiastic if fracking is proposed in her Berkshire village? On this, as on Brexit, it seems that our Prime Minister is under the cosh of the right wing fanatical section of her party. Nina SmithAddress suppliedA perfect day on the buses... I was in the bus queue the other day. My bus arrived on time, and as I waited my turn, I noted that everyone in front seemed to have either the correct fare or had the relevant pass ready. Getting on, I didn’t have to push pass the usual group of people who choose to stand at the front even when seats are available. As I made my way to the back, I also noted that there were none of the usual anti-social passengers who sit in the aisle seat and effectively take up both seats.However, most surprising of all, none of the occupants of the back seats were cleaning the soles of their boots on the seats opposite. Before I had time to take this in, a sudden ringing sound almost caused me to fall off my seat. Had someone pressed the bell? No, my alarm had gone off, and I fell out of bed.Andrew ThorpeAddress suppliedIt’s time to TAKE OVAR

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I used to be one of the four out of five women in the UK that can’t name bloating as a major symptom of ovarian cancer. Then my role model, the wonderful comedian Linda Smith, died from the disease. Now as an Ambassador for Target Ovarian Cancer, I am calling for more awareness of the disease during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month this March.I want everyone to know the four symptoms – it could save lives: persistent bloating; feeling full; tummy pain; needing to wee more.I’m asking your readers to join us to raise awareness and money to support Target Ovarian Cancer this March. It’s time to TAKE OVAR. Together we can make sure every woman knows the symptoms of ovarian cancer.Join us at your workplace, school or community: Bake Some Noise with a cake sale or coffee morning, join us on Friday, March 9 for The Big Colour Clash by wearing your loudest outfit for a donation, or Challenge yourself to tell 50 people about the symptoms and raise £50.We’ll send you everything you need for free – stickers, symptoms leaflets, badges and wristbands. Call 020 7923 5474 or visit Raise awareness, fund research, and save lives this March.Susan CalmanTarget Ovarian Cancer AmbassadorAbsurd reactionsWithout wishing to conflate a genuine tragedy with an absurdity, I don’t know which shocked me the most: Donald Trump’s reaction to grieving survivors of America’s latest mass shooting (a proposal of bonuses for gun-toting teachers) or reports that police are having to field customer complaints about KFC running out of stock. Brian H Sheridanvia emailFree range There has been some disruption to chicken supplies of late. There is a way to bring good news from bad. Let us supply the customers with exclusively free range chickens. Then we can market a new improved product and justify a small premium.Graham LundAddress supplied