Readers' letters

Pugs are among the breeds vets are urging people to avoid for health reasons. See letterPugs are among the breeds vets are urging people to avoid for health reasons. See letter
Pugs are among the breeds vets are urging people to avoid for health reasons. See letter
Older savers are paying

A certain building society promises to put young people on the housing ladder – in effect singing its own praises.

If you should ask how this is possible in these troubled times, the answer is: as a result of the ridiculously low interest paid to investors, of 1.4 per cent (before tax at 20 per cent).

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Therefore the young people of today should not be so quick to blame older people for voting to leave the EU.

Were it not for those, their chances of owning their own house would indeed be slim. A famous person once said “It’s an ill wind that doesn’t blow somebody some good.” How right he was! Banks could not exist without money from investors, who are being caned so that others can get a mortgage. We of the older generation must continue to suffer the lowest bank rate in history. My own bank has just reduced interest on my current account from 005 per cent down to .0025 per cent! Hardly enough to make a down payment on a villa in Spain. But ‘chin up’ I say, there could just about be enough left to pay for a month or so in a nursing home, should I arrive in one.

Ernest Lundy

via email


Dogs – not teddy bears

In response to the ‘We must stop puppy faming’ story in Friday’s Wigan Evening post,I have heard that vets are urging dog owners to avoid breeds with flat faces, such as pugs and French bulldogs.

Recently I remarked to a friend how dogs tended to look more like teddy bears rather than their real ancestors, the wolves, these days. I do think pugs and these baby-faced breeds look very sweet but, if it is at the expense of their health, is it worth it?

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I would prefer these flat-faced dogs to have longer noses and faces and be healthier.

Then again, I live in a country where, too often, pets are treated as disposable possessions. We continue to buy sickly puppies from inhumane puppy farms. We would prefer to pay over the odds for a ‘trendy’ mixed breed than go to a shelter and give an unwanted dog a loving home. The minute a dog shows ‘bad behaviour’, instead of looking into training, we ‘dump’ him or her. Dogs, despite the array of clothes provided for them, are not trendy accessories. They are not disposable teddies. They are sentient creatures. They are also family members.


Address supplied


Cut numbers of deaths

A new report shows that Britain has more pedestrian deaths per head of population than other leading countries. The report from PACTS (the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety) shows that, while Britain compares favourably with other countries for all road deaths, pedestrian deaths are significantly higher.

Streets are where we live, work, play and socialise – they should be safe and enjoyable places for everyone. We would like to see targets for reducing road casualties reintroduced. Such targets operated under successive governments from 1987-2010 and proved effective. Road danger has far-reaching public health consequences as it discourages people from being active. Inactivity currently costs the NHS in England and Wales over £0.9bn a year. Investment to make our streets fit for walking will reduce these costs in the long-term by helping us create a walking nation, free from congested roads and pollution, reducing the risk of preventable illness and social isolation.

Tompion Platt

Head of Policy, Living Streets

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