LUKE MARSDEN: We need the old normal back now

How long will new year fitness resolutions last?How long will new year fitness resolutions last?
How long will new year fitness resolutions last?
At what point do we stop wishing people Happy New Year?

I’d say the time is now.

I wrote this exact sentence in this very column last year, but I firmly believe that this year will be better. It has to be.

I’m attempting dry January. I figured giving up booze for a month is maybe easier than giving up meat, and I haven’t opened the cupboard with the excess Christmas alcohol yet.

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Social media would have us believe that everyone is taking up running, eating far healthier and being kinder to themselves and others. For now this appears to be correct but, once the dust settles on January and people have tried 2022 on for size, it’s then when we see the true colours of social media.

I remain cautiously optimistic for what this year may bring (albeit I’m not a New Year’s honour recipient this year, which was of course, so disappointing)

Over the festive period I had Covid and, luckily, was released before Christmas Day.

Many weren’t so lucky and I know some Wiganers are celebrating a delayed Christmas Day this month. If this is you, then I do wish you a merry belated Christmas.

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I’m not yet eligible to have my booster but as soon as I can, I will be getting boosted mainly to help others as, thanks to my recent spell with coronavirus, I’m like a pay-as-you-go mobile and topped back up with antibodies.

We’re in our third year of this epidemic but, as the data is showing, things are looking up and we do need to get back on with our lives. A lot of people do not want a “new normal;” they just want normal, and I certainly will raise a (non) alcoholic drink to normality being restored this year!

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