CHARLES GRAHAM: Road plan tough on Wigan businesses

A traffic jam on the road into Wigan town centreA traffic jam on the road into Wigan town centre
A traffic jam on the road into Wigan town centre
The road to Wigan Pier is proving a particularly arduous one at the moment.

There are quite a few businesses in the Wallgate area who have experienced a significant drop-off in custom since works began on making the drag between the junctions with Miry Lane and Queen Street more attractive and friendlier to those on two legs and two wheels. They say you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, but those people reliant on four wheels do seem to be having a tough time and some also have concerns about the long-term effects of closing Miry Lane to traffic at its Wallgate end, both in terms of passing trade and congestion elsewhere.

The council certainly has a balancing act to perform.

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