CHARLES GRAHAM: Sympathy for boy racer gang victims

Westwood WayWestwood Way
Westwood Way
I wonder how many folk react with a “wow, that’s impressive” when someone tears past at break-neck speed in a souped-up car with the silencer removed for maximum aural impact?

Very few I suspect. Far more prevalent a response - mine included - would involve words un printable in a family newspaper.

So I have great sympathy for those Wiganers enduring the din of boy racers revving and screeching round Westwood Way until 1.30am.

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We know that by spring this won’t be happening anymore because Westwood Way will cease to be a cul-de-sac and form one end of the new link road.

But that must seem a long time off for those suffering nightly from these idiots. I do hope the police can put an end to it sooner than that.