Lorry overturns on busy slip road

The overturned lorryThe overturned lorry
The overturned lorry
A lorry has crashed into a footbridge and overturned on a busy Wigan slip road, trapping the driver inside.

The incident occurred on the A577 at Orrell this afternoon at around 1pm, as the slip road joins the main interchange for the M6 and M58.

All emergency services are at the scene to treat the driver, who has become trapped inside the cab.

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North west motorway police have said that the road will be closed for the rest of the day as the footbridge has collapsed.

One Springview resident witnessed the accident and rushed to the aid of the driver.

"He is conscious," she said. "But he can't get out. The lorry hit the footbridge and has taken the footbridge out and the wagon overturned.

"It was very lucky there was no oncoming traffic. I think they will probably have to cut the driver out. I asked him if he was ok and he said yes."

No other cars were involved.

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