Family forced out of new home by racists

Patience Mabena with her children, from left, Bradley, 13, Kelsey, six, and Cleopatra, 16, they were victims of racist attacksPatience Mabena with her children, from left, Bradley, 13, Kelsey, six, and Cleopatra, 16, they were victims of racist attacks
Patience Mabena with her children, from left, Bradley, 13, Kelsey, six, and Cleopatra, 16, they were victims of racist attacks
A councillor has condemned racist attacks on a family who were forced out of their new home adpated for their disabled daughter even before they moved in.

Coun Jo Platt, councillor for Astley-Mosley Common ward, has been supporting Patience Mabena, husband Nzamo Nahlovu and their three children, after they had to abandon plans to move from their current home in Leigh, to a specially adapted property in North Lane, Astley, after they were terrorised by racist yobs.

The Zimbabwean family say they could not face moving in after the louts threw bricks and stones at the property, smashing windows. They also sprayed racist graffiti and slashed their car tyres.

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Coun Jo Platt said: “As a community, we are appalled at this vile racist attack on a family within our area. On behalf of the council I would like to offer my full support to the family. Patience has also pledged to work with us to help promote equality and inclusion to tackle racism within our community.”

The racist vandalism sprayed on the new home of Patience MabenaThe racist vandalism sprayed on the new home of Patience Mabena
The racist vandalism sprayed on the new home of Patience Mabena

Patience, 40, who moved to the UK in 2000 to flee from Zimbabwe’s troubles and was granted British citizenship in 2010, said: “My six-year-old daughter Kesley was born prematurely and contracted meningitis, which resulted in her getting cerebral palsy. We needed to move as our current house was no longer suitable and the new house had an extension and hoist for Kelsey. We were moving our stuff in when yobs threw bricks at the house and slashed my husband’s tyres. Three window panels were smashed.

“We were definitely scared and it was really traumatising. I was ill for three days with a headache and stress. I don’t feel an outsider or black. We have white friends and don’t see any difference in race.

“I never thought it would happen to me and my family. My children have friends in Astley so I thought the move would be better for us.”

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Patience, who is currently studying a criminal psychology degree at Southport University, spoke with WALH officers who agreed the family could stay at their current address until a more suitable plan could be arranged.

The racist vandalism sprayed on the new home of Patience MabenaThe racist vandalism sprayed on the new home of Patience Mabena
The racist vandalism sprayed on the new home of Patience Mabena

Vicky Bannister, director of tenancy services for Wigan and Leigh Homes, said: “We take incidents such as this extremely seriously and urge anyone with information about who the perpetrators are to contact the police. We have been working closely with the family during this difficult time and are continuing to work with them on a long term solution that meets their needs.”

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