Wigan drink driver wrote off three cars in festive wrecking spree then hid from police

Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' CourtWigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
Wigan and Leigh Magistrates' Court
A drink-driver wrote off three cars while barefoot and dressed in her nightie after a Christmas Day row then hid in a garden when police were called.

Wigan and Leigh magistrates heard that Kirsty Barrington made a snap decision to flee her former partner’s home after festive celebrations turned sour, despite being more than three times over the legal drink-drive limit.

Other news: Man denies murdering father-to-be Billy LivesleyAs a consequence, she ploughed into three parked vehicles as she tried to drive home along Scot Lane in Newtown.

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Panicking, she then scrambled out of the vehicle and went and hid in a garden, but police eventually found her and arrested her.

Barrington, of Thicknesse Avenue, Beech Hill, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis.

The court was told that the 28-year-old had spent Christmas Day at the family home of an ex-partner, where she had been drinking and planned to spend the night.

She was involved in an argument with members of the family, and decided to go to sleep.

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But in the early hours of Boxing Day, Barrington awoke and decided to drive back to her own house.

Before Barrington made it home, she collided with three cars on Scot Lane, which were written off as a result.

Karen Jones was the owner of a Nissan Micra which was one of the vehicles damaged beyond repair.

She explained in an impact statement that she “can no longer get around” to care for her father who has terminal cancer, or her daughter who has autism.

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A Vauxhall Vivaro van was another of the vehicles to be written off.

Prosecuting, Tess Kenyon said: “A resident on Scot Lane was woken by a loud bang, and they saw that their neighbours were speaking to a female in the car, who was repeatedly saying that her boyfriend was going to kill her.

“There was glass all over the road because of the collision, and the defendant was barefoot and in nightwear, while appearing very unsteady on her feet.”

Witnesses told Barrington to stay where she was.

But instead she fled the scene and hid in a nearby garden, but police came and soon detained her.

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When breathalysed, Barrington initially gave a reading of 112 micrograms of alcohol, but failed to provide a second sample at the police station.

According to police, Barrington did not blow hard enough for the device to record the level of alcohol in her system, and when asked if it was due to a medical issue, denied this.

Defending Barrington, Louise Barrow said: “My client drove following an argument, and just wanted to be away from her ex-partner’s family.

“I have never met someone so remorseful of their actions and the impact it has had on others.

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“She is fully insured and wants to reimburse those concerned.”

Magistrates disqualified Barrington from driving for 24 months, and imposed a 12-month community order requiring her to complete 120 hours of unpaid work.

She was also hit with a £85 victim surcharge and court costs to the same amount.