Wigan couple given hefty fine for fly-tipping

Wigan and Leigh CourthouseWigan and Leigh Courthouse
Wigan and Leigh Courthouse
A couple will have to stump up a whopping £1,434 for dumping 30 bin bags of waste and other rubbish at the rear of a Wigan neighbour’s home.

Lee Ainsworth and Lauren Halpin, of Woodhouse Lane, Beech Hill, appeared in the dock at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates’ Court to plead guilty to fly-tipping at the back of a home three doors down from their own on June 29 last year.

Other items found left in the alleyway included a door, a canvas picture and other household waste, the hearing was told.

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Ainsworth, 35, and 31-year-old Halpin both pleaded guilty to a breach of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act and each were ordered to pay a £480 penalty, a victim surcharge of £48 and costs totalling £189.

That worked out at £717 each.