Only one in 27 rapes results in a charge

Police scene of crimePolice scene of crime
Police scene of crime
Just one in every 27 rape cases reported in Greater Manchester end with a suspect being charged, new figures show.

The rate is significantly lower than for crime overall in the area, with sexual violence charity Rape Crisis saying that the justice system is “failing victims and survivors of rape”.

Between April and June this year, 935 rape cases were closed by GMP. Of those, just 35 resulted in a suspect being charged or ordered to appear in court.

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Charges were less likely for rape than other sexual offences in the force area, for which seven per cent of the 1,415 cases reported resulted in a suspect being charged.

For other cases of violence against the person, eight per cent resulted in a charge. In more than a third of rape reports, the case was closed because of lack of evidence, with the victim unwilling to support further police action.

Katie Russell, of Rape Crisis England and Wales, said: “These figures are extremely concerning, but reflect what we already know: that the criminal justice system is currently failing victims and survivors of rape, sexual abuse and all forms of sexual violence.

“Despite record numbers of people who’ve experienced these serious offences coming forward to report to the police, criminal justice outcomes are lagging far behind those for other violent crimes.

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“A complete overhaul of the criminal justice system in relation to sexual offences is long overdue, as is sustainable, dedicated funding for specialist sexual violence services, to ensure victims and survivors have access to criminal and social justice.”